Tips to thrive during the coronovirus crisis, by Dawn Carey, Head of mental health charity, In Charley’s Memory

Tips to thrive during the coronovirus crisis, by Dawn Carey, Head of mental health charity, In Charley’s Memory

1 Wake up and get up.

It is so easy to fall into the pattern of sleeping in and being awake all night. When this happens our quality of sleep is not as good. So if you know you have some school work to do, set the alarm and get it out the way. Remember, you can always nap later.

2 Get ready for the day ahead.

It makes such a difference to have a shower and put on "normal clothes". As lovely as snuggly pj's are it is so easy to cozy up on the sofa and get very little done.

3 Take the walk.

We know the Government is advising us to have one walk a day. This is so good for our mental wellbeing. Cabin fever may set in sooner or later but knowing you can go on a brisk walk once a day is great. Set yourself a target - maybe plan the route and see how you can improve the time it takes for you to do this.

4 You’re not alone.

This is new to every single one of us and we are all going to have days when we just feel ‘blah’. When you feel like this, talk to your family and friends, share how you are feeling. Don’t allow it to bottle up and manifest into something bigger

5 Smile regardless.

Times are hard for everyone right now. We have had to temporarily close and all our funding projects for the foreseeable future are on hold or cancelled. But despite all this, it is still so important to remember to be kind. Smile or wave to the neighbour. Call someone you have not spoken to in a while. It will make them, and you, feel better.

And remember this is not for ever.

Dawn, Centre left, with staff at The King Alfred School in Somerset.

ICM offers a counselling service, run workshops in schools, and train up ‘Mental Health Ambassadors’ to look out for signs in others. For more advice and tips look on our website or Facebook @ICMCharity

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