Funny pet photo award winners announced

By Happiness Correspondent, Jill Dando News
The Comedy Pet Photo Awards are absolutely thrilled to announce that the Comedy Pets 2024 OVERALL COMPETITION WINNER is Sarah Haskell.
The photo was a fabulous image called ‘Not just for cats!’ of Hector doing his best impression of a cat and trying to squeeze through the cat flap.
Sarah said of the moment she took the winning photo: “Hector saw the cat do thought he would give it a try.
“This is about as far as he got before reversing out the way he came.I can imagine him thinking...’But the cat made it look so easy’ Not so for Hector!’
The annual photo competition, now in its 5th consecutive year, calls on all pet and animal lovers to submit hilarious images and videos of their funny furry friends for a chance of winning the prestigious title of Comedy Pet Photographer of the Year.
The Awards were created by Paul Joynson-Hicksand Tom Sullam,to highlight the positive and vital role that pets have in our lives and to encourage engagement around animal welfare.
Finding out about the happy news, Sarah recalls: "I am utterly thrilled, such great news, that I will have to share with Hector before the announcement (so if word gets out, blame him!)
These Comedy Pet Photo Awards have been a good natured, friendly competition with comical animal characters that you feel you can somehow relate to, that make you smile, and you want to know more about."
When asked what she would do with the proze money, Sarah joked ‘A bigger catflap and then some camera equipment!’
As usual, the judges had a brilliant time deciding the winners with so many funny pet images entered from all over the world. Michelle Wood, who helps run the Awards said: “We’ve had a fantastic competition this year, with so many really good entries from across the globe. And a record number of Junior entries which makes us very happy.
“In a world that can be hard to fathom, our pets are the one constant in our lives that make sense and are a vital source of support, joy and sometimes, great hilarity.
“We would have a competition to celebrate them every single day if we could, and to be able toshare these brilliant winners with you andlaugh out loud with these loveable creatures is the reason this competition exists!"
The 2025 competition will be open for entries next year via the website.
2024 Grand Category Winners:·OVERALL-WINNER & Dog Category Winner:Sarah Haskell·Cat
CategoryWinner:Kenichi Morinaga·
Horse Category Winner:Debby Thomas·
People’s Choice Award Winner: Kazutoshi Ono.·
All Other Creatures Category Winner:Jonathan Casey·
Pets Who Look Most Like Their Owner’s Category Winner:Darya Zelentsova·
Junior CategoryWinner: Charlotte Kitchen(who was 16 when she entered the competition)
As well as the category winners – 8 photographswere recognised as Highly Commended from the following photographers: Sylvia Michel who had two entries recognised; Julie Smith, Atsuyuki Ohshima, Vera Faupel, Luiza Ribeiro, Emma Beardsmore and competition regular and former competition winner Kenichi Morinaga.
The judging panel included TV presenter, writer, conservationist and animal lover Kate Humble, professional photographer and nature lover Gerrard Gethings and his son Jarvis Gethings, plus Barry the Border Terrier, for balance. TV Vet and animal welfare campaigner -Emma Milne and our very own professional pet photographer and former competition winner -Elke Vogelsang.
To view all the entries and pictures click here
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