An expanding mental health charity will benefit from walkers trekking up one of Britain's highest mountains

By Jill Dando News
An expanding mental health charity will benefit from walkers trekking up one of Britain’s highest mountains.
The walkers are doing the climb to raise funds for Burnham-on-Sea-based mental health charity In Charley’s Memory and are aiming for a sunrise summit.
The Somerset charity has expanded over the last few years with rises in demand for their services.
It helps out in schools and elsewhere across the county including at The King Alfred School Academy in Highbridge.
Snowdon is the highest mountain in Wales within the Snowdonia National Park, at 1,085 metres, and it is the highest point in the British Isles outside the Scottish Highlands.
Among those doing the trek is the charity leader Dawn Carey (pictured) who told Burnham-on-Sea that she is super excited.
Click here to see their online fundraising page
Personal trainer Ben Shillaker, who is also a trustee of the charity, is leading the group and says: “In 2019 I took on the national 3 Peaks Challenge for In Charleys Memory, but unfortunately due to adverse weather conditions I was unable to complete the final one, Snowdon.”
“I feel it’s necessary to have another go now and finally be able to tick it off! For me the three peaks was a personal challenge, but this time round I wanted to make it a team challenge and be more inclusive. So we have assemebled a group to take on Snowdon for their own reasons.”
“With a mix of staff from ICM and keen friends and clients, we have a team of 11 ready to tackle the mountain. All proceeds will go towards the improving on the already great work that ICM do locally.”
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