Donkeys Find Loving Homes After Year-Long Search

By Jill Dando News
In a remarkable end to a rescue that began in August 2023, five mares and their five foals have been successfully rehomed.
The group were discovered in County Kildare by a landowner, who alerted Donkey Welfare Adviser Deirdre Scally after finding the animals abandoned on his property.
Deirdre says: “Looking into the field, I immediately noticed the alarming condition of the group.
“Once I got close enough to calm the anxious mares, I could see the true extent of their neglect.
“They were severely malnourished and their hooves had been badly neglected,” she says. “All the donkeys were so thin that you could feel their backbones.”
“While the yearlings aged between one to two years were in a marginally better condition due to their youth, the mares’ weak condition was impacting their ability to nourish their young. This meant they could potentially face difficulty surviving the harsh winter.”
Further veterinary examinations indicated that the group were heavily affected by worms, making it difficult for them to gain or maintain weight.
The landowner kindly offered to provide shelter and feed, allowing our team to concentrate on the donkeys medical needs and most importantly, giving us valuable time to find them new homes.
Finding onward solutions for all ten donkeys would be challenging, and due to the young age of five of the donkeys, Deirdre required additional support from Donkey Welfare Adviser Vivienne Kenny to help find experienced homes.
Vivienne says: “In October 2023, we were delighted to secure the first new home for two young female donkeys, Pip and Java.
“My Lovely Horse Rescue were able to find space for three mares, named Sadie, Glenda and Maddie, along with a young male donkey, Houdini. The two remaining mares Blacky and Razzle Dazzle were then successfully rehomed earlier this year.
“The search continued for Cookie and his companion, a filly named Kemosabe, and it was a huge relief when we found them the perfect home in Northern Ireland.”