Fantastic students visit one of Britain’s best UK locations in their Stone Age studies (By Arlo, 9)

By Arlo, aged 9, Jill Dando News @ St Anne’s
Children from Year Three at St Anne’s Church Academy, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset visited Cheddar Gorge to learn about the Stone Age as part of the their investigations.
The children went into Cox’s Cave to learn all about how the stone age people lived.
They also visited the world famous Jacob’s Ladder.

Silas(aged 8) said, “My favourite part was Cox’s Cave. It was incredible.”
They went into the museum to learn about the stone age in Cheddar and learnt about Cheddar man.
They looked at stone tools that would have been used by people in the stone age.
Unfortunately they couldn’t go into Gough cave or go up Jacob’s ladder. Silas said, ”When we went, Gough Cave was flooded and Jacob’s Ladder was too wet.” Despite that, they had a great time.
Neo, 8, said: ”I really enjoyed it.”
Teacher, Miss Hunt, added, “Behaviour was fantastic and I was blown away by how much they could remember from our learning in class. Well done year 3 Crew!”
Cheddar Gorge has ranked among the most 'unforgettable' landmarks in the UK.
Research conducted by outdoor holiday provider Explore Worldwide scoured the internet to find reviews of landmarks which used the words 'unforgettable', or 'memorable'.
Cheddar Gorge and Caves ranked seventh in the list, with 0.42 per cent of all its reviews mentioning one or both of the two words.
For comparison, The Old Man of Storr in Scotland ranked top of the list with a percentage of 0.93 per cent.