Purple Sheep PR and Digital Marketing can get you to the most seemingly impossible places

Our adventurous ‘Purple Sheep style’ PR/publicity and Digital PR helps CEOs and leaders to make their organisations famous - for all the positive reasons.

We don’t do boring traditional press releases (hence the name Purple Sheep - not a beige, boring white sheep in sight!).

Instead we get to the heart of you and your people and release your success stories that rarely get seen.

We are part of a 360 marketing cooperative with two of the best digital marketing experts in the UK, Jack Easterbrook and Alex Crowther who train up people in marketing out of the cutting-edge Hive near Bristol.

Our services and training include:

  • How to make you stand out in the Media
  • How to get you publicised against all odds
  • Achieving your ‘impossible’ business dreams
  • Websites and how to get the best out of them.
  • Analytics and how to success online.
  • Search Engine optimisation & content creation.
  • How to use Paid media such as Google ads or Facebook Ads to best effect.
  • Set up social media to promote your business
  • Choose your social media strategy
  • Create superb visual content
  • Track your social media statistics.   

Our specialist team can create campaigns, and believe for the impossible to get your name into hard-to-reach areas.

This is not ordinary publicity and marketing - this is edgy, adventurous world-class PR working with celebrities, strategic people, and other organisations.

Purple Sheep PR created the Good News Post and also Jill Dando News which aims to train up 1 million young journalists of the future.

Purple Sheep PR can also do SEO, Google ads, social media marketing, videos, branding, newsletters - the whole 360 comprehensive PR/publicity and marketing package.

Over the years we have worked with Sir Richard Branson, Bear Grylls, Alan Titchmarsh and many more to get the good news out into the community and Media.

We then your stories out everywhere via the Media, Social Media and Digitally.

Shane Dean, founder of Purple Sheep PR, has been doing exciting stories for Media and Editors that have gone across the world since the late 1990s.

“Shane works ‘magic dust’ to turn a nothing thing into stories seen by millions of people. If you want world leading PR for your business or people, Shane is your man.”

Oli Ballard

Purple Sheep PR gets you influence and put you in the minds of editors and even leaders such as the Prime Minister. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-49530995

"Shane has made a huge difference to our PR... he is optimistic and outward looking. A tremendous asset to any company or school. Thoroughly recommended.

Neville Coles, Former CEO of The Priory Learning Trust

Purple Sheep PR gets your stories seen by millions in the news https://metro.co.uk/2018/05/08/teenager-with-mes-life-has-been-transformed-by-a-robot-that-helps-her-learn-7529314/

And your businesses seen across the world https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8343779/Car-wash-supermarket-trolleys-kills-coronavirus.html

Purple Sheep PR do PR training for schools, academies, multi academy trusts, businesses, individuals and more. Plus photos, videos and prospectus’.

"Shane has a track record in journalism and PR consultancy, deep wells of creativity and integrity. Crucially Shane is a uniquely positive man. I've yet to see him regard any glass as half-empty."

Editor and PR Manager Simon Angear
"I could never have imagined the impact that Shane could have in such a short time. He is totally reliable and always delivers whatever he promises with amazing results!"

Headteacher and Ofsted Inspector Lesley Greenway

Contact us News@goodnewspost.co.uk