Hero Jake, 13, praised for courage and compassion (By Grace, 13)

By Grace, 13, Jill Dando News Correspondent
Jake, 13, was one of a raft of young heroes awarded for acts of kindness and courage across The Priory Learning Trust schools.
Jake, pictured with others Hero students at The King Alfred School Academy in Highbridge, Somerset, has been celebrated as a hero for his extraordinary acts of compassion, resilience, and unwavering support for his younger brother.

Over the past four years, Jake has demonstrated an incredible level of dedication and care towards his brother who has autism.
No task is too great for Jake when it comes to supporting his brother.
Whether it's ensuring his safety in a play area, helping with daily activities, playing with toys, or offering assistance around the house, Jake has consistently gone above and beyond.
Adding another layer to Jake's heroism is his own battle with laryngeal papillomatosis, a medical condition diagnosed just weeks before the onset of lockdown.
Despite facing six surgeries, Jake has remained remarkably brave and is an inspiration to the students at TKASA.
Jake's mother expressed her immense pride in her son, describing him as “kind, caring, resilient, and empathetic”. She believes that Jake is more than deserving of this acknowledgment for his outstanding qualities.
As the school community comes together to celebrate heroes in various forms, Jake stands out as a shining example of selflessness, compassion, and courage.
The school is proud to have such an exceptional student among its ranks and congratulates Jake on this well-deserved nomination as a local hero.
Principal, Dan Milford said: 'It is so great to hear about Jake and how amazing he has been to support his family.
“Receiving this Hero Award, after the nomination from his mum, is so inspiring.
“The Hero Awards evening last week was such a great event as Jake, alongside several other nominated Heros from the school, reminded us all what wonderful young people we have at TKASA. We are so proud of them all.'
Grace of Jill Dando News is one of over 100 Jill Dando Journalists who find, write and publish positive good news out across the world in memory of Jill.
Jill Dando is also a former student of WCSA where the project began.
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