TV chef and rapper Big Zuu spreading smiles and positivity around London

By Happiness Correspondent, Jill Dando News
BelVita has teamed up with TV Chef and rapper Big Zuu to launch its incredible Smile Café - spreading positivity around London.
Watch here as Zuu encourages people to ‘donate their smiles’ in exchange for meals donated to those in need, through belVita’s partnership with FareShare.
London, March 5th - It’s clear when it comes to spreading smiles it really is the little things in life that have the greatest mood-boosting effect. In fact, new research from belVita has revealed that nearly half (46%) of Brits find the little things fill them with positivity, over more lavish and elaborate experiences.
If there’s one thing certain to give Brits a feel-good feeling, it’s receiving a free hot drink – with seven in ten saying it would boost their mood (69%).
To harness this positivity, belVita launched its Smile Café in partnership with the charity FareShare, as part of its Give a Smile, Help Fight Food Poverty initiative.
Londoners were encouraged to ‘donate’ their smiles in return for a hot drink and for every smile donated, belVita gave a meal to those in need - the partnership will see Belvita donate the equivalent of 125,000 meals.
Furthermore, as spring approaches, Brits' moods are guaranteed to lift - as the research shows longer, brighter and warmer days really do give a boost.
People feel more positive (68%), energised (63%) and optimistic (57%) in the springtime, compared to the darker winter months.
Aside from revealing what makes Brits feel positive, the newly released data also highlights how positivity spreads through society.
One in three agree they are better decision makers when feeling positive (31%) - rising to 40% for Millennials.
More than half are more productive when they’re feeling upbeat and over a quarter will give more of their time to others if they’re in a good mood (27%).
One in four (26%) will encourage those around them to be more positive when they’re in a good mood themselves in order to create a ripple effect in their local environments.
Following on from belVita’s partnership with FareShare last year which saw the equivalent of 100,000 meals delivered to those experiencing food insecurity, belVita is continuing its collaboration with FareShare and Big Zuu to launch its Smile Café on the streets of London, continuing the focus on harnessing the power of positivity in the fight against food poverty.
TV Chef and Rapper, Big Zuu said: “I’m buzzing to be back out with belVita for the Smile Café.
“Not only did we get people smiling, laughing and spreading positivity in return for a free drink, but we also donated meals to those in need and showed how something as simple as a smile can genuinely make a proper difference.”
Nancy Moore, Brand Manager at belVita adds “We’re thrilled to be driving awareness around our partnership with FareShare and showing just how much difference a smile and a positive outlook can make - with the ultimate goal of helping those in need.
“Last year we donated 100,000 meals to FareShare, and are happy to be continuing our partnership in 2024 helping us in our mission to fight food poverty and spread positivity.”
Polly Bianchi, director of fundraising at FareShare says “We are delighted that the partnership with belVita is continuing and so grateful to Big Zuu for his enthusiastic support launching the Smile Café.
“The donation of so many meals to our network of 8,500 charities nationwide will make a huge difference to enabling groups to provide vital wraparound services.
“The power of positivity shines through the work of these amazing charities and community groups, where friendly smiles and acts of kindness, alongside the provision of nourishing food, go a long way to supporting individuals and communities in need.”
For those who want to get involved, you can search belVita Give A Smile to donate your smile and give a meal to FareShare.
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Data conducted by OnePoll on behalf of belVita between 14th and 20th February, polling 2,000 adults aged 18+ across the UK.
Corresponding video content was captured by Oh My! Creative with all rights reserved