Children at Berrow Primary Church Academy are flourishing

By Jill Dando News
Students, staff and the whole community of Berrow Primary Church Academy in Somerset are delighted after receiving a glowing SIAMS report.

Inspectors from Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) praised the school for their vision and modelling of ‘Lighting up a love of learning to have life in all its fullness’ and that it 'aspires pupils to fulfil their dreams.'
They recognised leaders demonstrate a clear understanding of the vision, which ‘positively affects pupils’ learning, wellbeing and behaviour and that children 'love all the new things' happening at the school.
The inspector praised its collective worship, creative curriculum, supportive culture and other things which enables ‘pupils and adults to be treated well and flourish’. 'Pupils who are identified as disadvantaged are transformed; whilst all children are encouraged to make good choices, show respect and to represent their Christian values'.
They state 'difficult situations between pupils are resolved through forgiveness and reconciliation' meaning 'Berrow is a warm, welcoming school'.
Inspectors also highlighted the effective leadership in RE which enhances pupils' learning.

In a wonderful, glowing positive report they said: “Transformational leadership has ensured that a deeply thought out Christian vision is now embedded at Berrow.
“Christ’s words, as expressed by St John, unite the whole school community with a strong sense of meaning and purpose.
“The Christian vision promotes a tangible sense of spirituality that sustains daily life at school.
“Pupils understand that school is a place full of opportunities in which they can enjoy their time there and flourish. Consequently, the vision promotes aspiration and enthusiasm and has a significant impact on pupils’ learning and behaviour.”
They added: “The strong leadership team, including the support of the multi-academy trust (MAT) and the diocese have a powerful effect. Together they ensure that the new Christian vision drives their actions and school improvement.
“Relevant professional development enables staff to flourish thus ensuring beneficial outcomes on pupils’ learning. The substantial contribution of the clergy and church members enrich the lives of the whole community.”
Principal Charlotte Bradley said: “We are incredibly delighted with this report and believe it truly reflects the positive changes happening at Berrow.
“Our new school has only been open since September 2023 and to achieve this positive outcome so early within our school improvement journey is wonderful.
“We would like to thank everyone who has helped us along the way including our children, families, staff, governors and wider community including those we work closely with at St. Mary's Church, especially Rev. Jonathan Philpott.
“This is just the start of our journey. We are determined to provide the best possible education for our children and are excited for the future of our school.''
Lisa Dadds, Director of Primary Education and Standards for TPLT, said: “This is a really positive inspection report which has recognised the significant improvements in the school over the last 6 months and celebrates the successes so far.
“We will continue to work closely together to ensure everyone flourishes."
For more information about the school or a tour, please get in touch by emailing or on 01278 783614.