Positive vibe at The King Alfred School Academy on A Level Results Day

By Jill Dando News
There were lots of smiles and happy faces at TKASA this Thursday as students collected their A Level results.
Staff, parents and students gathered at the Sixth Form Centre at the school to receive their envelopes and discuss the exciting adventures ahead of them as they embark on places at Universities, Apprenticeships and careers around the country.
Top performers this year were Athul Jomon, who joined the Sixth Form at TKASA after previously attending WCSA in Weston, another TPLT school, who gained an A* in Maths, an A in Further Maths, an A in Biology and an A in Computer Science.

Athul will now be studying Computer Science at Bristol University.

Joshua Davies gained A* in Maths, A in Further Maths, A in Computer Science and B in Business Studies and will be studying Computer Science at Warwick University.
Charlie Tedder will be studying Geography at UWE after gaining an A in Sociology, an A in Geography and a B in Religious Studies.
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Catherine Taylor will now be studying Languages at Lancaster University after gaining an A grade in French,, an A grade in Psychology and a B grade in Fine Art.
Many other students will be going off to a multitude of destinations across the country after spending the past seven years at TKASA doing their studies.

Headteacher Dan Milford said:
"As always we are incredibly proud of how our students have performed in their exams. “Studying A Levels is tough and it has been great to see so many happy faces today collecting their results and having excited conversations about the prospects of starting degree courses at Universities across the country or embarking on apprenticeships and jobs over the coming weeks.
“It makes me very proud, as Headteacher of the school, to see how our students have grown and developed over their time with us allowing them to be ready to move onto the next stage of their lives.”

Doug Radnidge, Assistant Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form Centre said:
"I am delighted that so many of our students have enjoyed much academic success and are going to some wonderful destinations in September. “Students have worked extremely hard over the past two years and I congratulate them all on their academic achievements."
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There are still places available for September at the excellent Sixth Form Centre at TKASA and if you would like more details, please contact the school at doug.radnidge@tkasa.theplt.org.uk or info@tkasa.theplt.org.uk
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